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Happy Children

The scope of God's plan

Who is the 6 to 9 year old child?


Like the work of Maria Montessori, the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is carefully structured around the developmental needs of children at different stages.


As children move into Level 2, firm in their relationship with God, they wonder ... 
What is God’s plan?  What is my role in God's plan?

What is my role in God’s plan? 


This would be a fabulous quote from Montessori or Cavalletti etc. about the child, identifying something powerful about development at this stage.  

Maria Montessori, 1942

The History of God's Gifts.jpeg

The mystery of time 

A description of how the child engages with this material, and why it suits them at this stage

The Mystery of the Incarnation


A description of how the child engages with this material, and why it suits them at this stage

Books of the Bible.jpeg

The Bible

Children are ready and eager to explore the structure and content of scripture by working with a model showing all the books of the Bible.  

The Mystery of the Incarnation


A description of how the child engages with this material, and why it suits them at this stage

The Mystery of the Incarnation


A description of how the child engages with this material, and why it suits them at this stage

The Mystery of the Incarnation


A description of how the child engages with this material, and why it suits them at this stage

This is where we would put a short testimonial from a parent or child. 

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