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Image by Levi Guzman

Formation Facilitator Recognition

A Three-Step Process

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Level 1

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Level 2

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1. The Application Process

The Inquiry

Interested catechists contact the CGSAC Formation Director to discuss what is involved to become a Formation Facilitator. If minimum requirements are met, the catechist will be invited to apply.

  • The application gives the CGSAC Formation Review Committee (Review Committee) a snapshot of where the applicant is in their formation journey

  • It lays out the requirements that must be met before entering the process

The Initial Review

The applicant meets with the Review Committee to discuss their application and answer any questions either party may have. This conversation will help both the applicant and the Review Committee discern if the applicant is ready to proceed to the apprenticeship stage.

2. The Apprenticeship Period

During this stage of discernment, the apprentice:

  • selects two mentors

  • prepares her/his personal album for review

  • prepares a Personal Atrium Photo Album

  • participates in Formation Facilitator workshops/courses 

  • assists experienced formation facilitators in the delivery of courses

Phase I

- On courses, the apprentice works with two formation facilitators (one is his/her mentor) taking on as many presentations and course preparations as s/he and the formation team are comfortable sharing.

- Mentors provide verbal/written observations and feedback to the apprentice and the Review Committee.

- When the apprentice, her/his mentor(s) and the Review Committee reach a consensus, a recommendation will be made to move to Phase II.

Phase II

- The apprentice works with only one experienced formation facilitator on a course.

- Observation and feedback is shared with the Review Committee with a recommendation to continue mentoring as an apprentice for another course or to be recognized as a formation facilitator.

3. The Final Review and Recognition

The Review Committee looks at a selection of pages from the approved album written by the apprentice, their personal atrium photo album, and considers all the feedback received from the Observation & Feedback by mentors/formation facilitators, noting progress made and the recommendation to recognize the apprentice as a Formation Facilitator.  A recommendation will be presented to the CGSAC Board, after which a letter of recognition and a CGSAC certificate are presented to the new formation facilitator.

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