Our CGSAC 2022 National Gathering will be take place on October 14th and 15th (in person this year in Toronto, with an option to join by Zoom online).
Please save these dates!
Full details and registration will be arriving in your inbox soon.
At this time, we ask your help in supplying items for our annual online silent auction which takes place in conjunction with our National Gathering. CGSAC does not engage in many fundraisers. We rely on the funds raised through our silent auction to help sustain our work.
Do you have any CGS materials you would like to donate?*
If so, please send the following information to communications@cgsac.ca:
Your name and email
Name of Item
Short description
suggested value
*Those who donate items will be asked to mail them to the winning bidders after the National Gathering. CGSAC will reimburse all mailing costs.
Thank you for your help with our auction! It was a fun event last year. We hope many can contribute and participate.
In Christ, our Good Shepherd,
Your CGSAC Board of Directors