Hello, good CGS enthusiasts!

We are planning a new publication called "Fruit of the Vine" which will come out at the end of the atrium year (June). It will include the testimony of people from all across Canada, and from all walks of life (catechists, parents, grandparents, pastors, and the children themselves!) who have witnessed the fruit that CGS produces.
To sustain our work, and to draw others into it, it is necessary to take time to focus on the fruits of our labours. We know they are there! Jesus made us this promise. By developing a grateful heart for these blessings, we become more like the little children we serve: always grateful!
To whet your appetite, here is a sample of the kind of CGS true stories this publication will include:
A mother of a seven year old boy who attends atrium emailed this message to her son's catechist:
"This week Joel has had to deal with the death of a school mate who passed away from cancer. This is very hard for a young person to understand. Joel however assured me that the young boy who passed away is with the Good Shepherd. We should be all so lucky to feel rest assured that when Our time on this earth passes, that the Good Shepherd will be there to greet us."
We want to hear your anecdotes, whether they be long or very short! Even one line will suffice! Will you take a moment to share your fruit with the CGS community?
Please click here to access the "Sharing the Fruit" form to add your story, photos, or children's artwork. Please also invite and encourage other parents, catechists, and CGS enthusiasts to contribute.
The Parental Consent Form can be accessed here or on the Sharing the Fruit form. It may be uploaded on the Sharing the Fruit form with your submission, or emailed later to communications@cgsac.ca
In Christ, our Good Shepherd,